LBS Suite sponsoring EUATC T-Update 3D World
First of all, we must say that this international virtual conference is the first interactive 3D language industry conference in the world! And, it is taking place from April 15-16 2021.
The EUATC (European Union of Associations of Translation Companies) has been one of the primary independent non-profit organizations serving the language industry for 25 years. Certainly, the association is in a unique position to provide the translation sector with a global perspective on the COVID-19 crisis, and insight into what to expect in this rapidly evolving landscape.
Likewise, the goal of the T-UPDATE 21 Virtual Conference is to offer access to information and resources that would help us manage our businesses in the most interactive way possible. Thus, they created a world that immerse us into an online conference very similar to on-site conferences.
Anna and Christine tried this 3D World and they are convinced! Here a little video as usual.
In addition, EUATC also selected some Ambassadors to promote this event, such as Andrew Hickson who made several videos.
Lastly, we can’t wait to see you in this virtual world, especially on our booth!
Contact us to learn more about our solution! You can also find us on LinkedIn and Youtube
Article Updated on April 20, 2021
To conclude, sponsoring EUATC T-Update 3D World was definitely the best choice and experience of the year! It was really cool to see our colleagues from the sector in such a unique “setting”. The participants could walk around with their avatar. Above all, we even had a real stand with some video screening! Just like at a traditional conference, Anna and Christine were there presenting LBS Suite to the visitors. After that conference, we can say that EUATC has revolutionized the conferences’ future format!
Finally, we would like to thank all of you that came to our booth, not to say that we were one. Please find some of our memories: